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Saturday 31 March 2012


Was Jesus Perfect God and Perfect Man at the Same Time?

According to Orthodox Christian belief, Jesus was perfect man and perfect God at the same time.  This belief is necessary for salvation according to the Athanasian creed held dear by most Christians.  Modern Christian scholars reject this idea not because it is difficult to understand but because it cannot be meaningfully expressed.  The doctrine cannot be stated in any way that is free from contradictions.  It is impossible for Jesus to have been perfect man and perfect God at the same time, for this would mean that he was finite and infinite at the same time, that he was fallible and infallible at the same time.  This cannot be.

What the creed denies is also quite significant.  The creed was formulated in response to the claims of various early Christian groups, and so includes clauses that deny the beliefs of those groups.  In response to the Arians who believed that Jesus was not God, the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.) decreed that he was fully God.  In response to the Apollinarians who believed Jesus was God but not fully human, the council of Constantinople (381 A.D.) decreed that Jesus was fully human.

Then there was Nestorianism: the belief that started when Nestorius denied that Mary could be called “Mother of God.”  To him, Mary was  mother of the human Jesus only.  This implied that there were two Christs: one divine, the other human.  Against Nestorius, the council of Ephesus (431 A.D.) decreed that the two natures of Jesus cannot be separated.  Everything Jesus does is done by both the humanity and divinity in him.  Likewise, everything that happened to him happened to both the man and God that he is.  Therefore Mary gave birth to both, both died on the cross, etc.

At yet another council, the council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.) the creed received some finishing touches and the Athanasian creed was declared official church teaching.  Most Christians are not familiar with the detailed implications of the creed and in their own minds conceive of Jesus in the very ways the creed was formulated to deny.  This tendency results from the fact that the creed’s definition of Jesus is impossible for any human mind to comprehend.  One can only repeat the words, but cannot grasp the meaning of the required belief.  Therefore most just repeat the creed with their lips but in their minds turn to views of Jesus that are less taxing on the intellect, 
even though those views were declared by the Church to be heretical.

The orthodox doctrine is logically impossible.  As Huston Smith, scholar of comparative religion, points out, it would not have been logically impossible if the creed said that Jesus was somewhat divine and somewhat human.  But this is expressly what the creed denies.  For orthodox Christians, Jesus cannot possess only some human qualities; he must possess all.  He must be fully human.  At the same time, he cannot possess only some divine qualities; he must have all.  He must be fully divine.  This is impossible because to be fully divine means one has to be free of human limitations.  If he has only one human limitation then he is not God.  But according to creed he has every human limitation.  How, then, can he be God?  Huston Smith calls this a blatant contradiction.  In his book The World’s Religions, he writes:

We may begin with the doctrine of the Incarnation, which took several centuries to fix into place.  Holding as it does that in Christ God assumed a human body, it affirms that Christ was God-Man; simultaneously both fully God and fully man.  To say that such a contention is paradoxical seems a charitable way to put the matter — it looks more like a blatant contradiction.  If the doctrine held that Christ was half human and half divine, or that he was divine in certain respects, while being human in others, our minds would not balk.  (The World’s Religions, p. 340).
If it was said that Jesus was partly human and partly divine that would not be logically impossible but only scripturally impossible.  The Bible nowhere teaches that Jesus was divine in any way.  Furthermore, if he was only partly divine then he was not the One True God of the Old and New Testaments.  God is All-Powerful, not somewhat all-powerful; God is All-Knowing, not somewhat all-knowing.

C. Randolph Ross is a Christian.  In his book Common Sense Christianity he debunks the orthodox view “not because it is difficult to understand,” he says, but because “it cannot meaningfully be said.”  He rejects it because “it is impossible,” he says. (Common Sense Christianity, p. 79).  His arguments are so persuasive that I can do little better than just repeat them. To be human means to be limited, lacking in knowledge, prone to mistakes, imperfect.  To be God means just the opposite: unlimited, complete in knowledge, infallible, perfect.  You cannot have it both ways.  You cannot say of one person that he was both.  Either he was one or the other.


To those who say this is a paradox, Ross answers nicely.  It is important to understand first of all what is a paradox.  A paradox is something that seems impossible but can be demonstrated to be true.  On the other hand, the creedal statement may seem true to some people but logic demonstrates it to be false.  Ross argues with an 
example that makes the point succinct:
“Ah!” some will say.  “That’s the paradox!”  No, it isn’t a paradox.  This is a very important point, so please take special note:  a paradox is something which seems impossible but which is demonstrably true.  Thus, it was a paradox when some scientist carefully analyzed bumblebees and concluded that according to the laws of physics they couldn’t fly.  There was contradiction and apparent impossibility, but bumblebees kept on flying.
However, for an individual to be both perfect and imperfect is the reverse of this:  it may seem true to some, but it is demonstrably impossible.  And not just impossible according to our understanding of the laws of nature, which can be wrong (as with the bumblebee), but impossible according to the rules of logic upon which all our reasoning is based.  (p. 82)

Let me elaborate this last point.  Human observation and analysis can turn out to be incorrect.  This was the case with the scientist who figured that according to the laws of Physics bumblebees could not fly.  The flaw in his procedure is that our understanding of the laws of nature is always improving.  New knowledge often declare old to be false.  But with the rules of logic things are different.  What is true by definition will always remain true unless we start redefining things.  For example, 2+2=4.  This equation will always remain true.  The only way this can ever become false is if we decide to change the definitions of the component parts.  Now, by definition, a thing cannot be the opposite of itself.  A thing cannot be perfect and imperfect at the same time.  The presence of one of these qualities implies the absence of the other.  Jesus was either one or the other.  He cannot logically be both.  
Ross is very eloquent on this:

To say someone is perfect and imperfect is like saying that you saw a square circle.  This is an impossibility.  Are you saying the circle was not round, in which case it was not a circle?  Or are you saying the square was circular?  This is not a paradox; this is meaningless nonsense, however imaginative it might be.  (p. 82)

To develop this point further, I tried to relate it to what can and cannot be said about Jesus according to the creed.  In the diagram we see a figure that is somewhat round and somewhat square.  It is unorthodox to say that Jesus was somewhat man and somewhat God.  Even the models that combine a circle and a square one inside the other do not work, for in each case you have two objects clearly separable.  Orthodoxy does not allow this for the two natures of Jesus.  To satisfy the requirements of orthodoxy we must find an object which is at once a circle and a square.  By definition, such an object cannot exist  (see accompanying diagram, next page).
The difficulty is not with believing what the creed says.  The problem is that the creed in effect says nothing.  When we are told two opposites what then are we to believe?  Ross puts it nicely:

To say that someone is perfect and imperfect at the same time is to say that “X” and “not-X” can both be true.  This is either to abandon the meaning of these words or else to abandon logic, and in either case this means we are speaking nonsense that can have no meaning for us.  (p. 82)

The orthodox say that Jesus was imperfect with regards to his human nature but perfect with regards to his divine nature.  The problem with this position is that it implies the existence of two persons occupying the one body of Jesus: one perfect, the other imperfect.  You need for this two minds, two wills, two characters.  But the creed does not allow this necessary conclusion and insists that Jesus was not two persons but one only.  Now, this one person had to be either perfect or not, infallible or not, unlimited in knowledge or not.  You cannot say of the same person that he was both.

When Jesus faced death on the cross according to Christian belief, either he faced it with the human belief that he would be raised on the third day, or he faced death with the infallible knowledge that he would be so raised.  If he believed with human faith in God’s power to raise him then he himself was not God.  If, on the other hand, he faced death with infallible divine knowledge that he would be resurrected, then he was not taking any real risk in letting himself die.  If the divine nature in him knew he would be raised, but he did not know this, then it was not his divine nature.  If the divine nature knew something he did not, we are back to two persons.
This could get more difficult to explain as we look at the deeds reported of Jesus in the gospels and ask whether the divine or human nature or both performed those deeds.  Let us consider the episode where Jesus curses the fig 
tree.  First, the account as it appears in Mark:

Jesus was hungry.  Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit.  When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.  The he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” (Mark 11:12-14, NIV)
As a result, the tree withered from the roots (v. 20).  Now, a few things are clear from this episode.
  1. Jesus did not know the tree had no fruit until he went up to the tree and found nothing but leaves.
  2. When Jesus saw leaves from a distance he hoped to find fruit on the tree.
  3. It was not fig season, and this is why the tree had no figs.  This comment from Mark clearly, implies that it was a perfectly good tree.  If the tree was barren, Mark’s comment about the season would have been pointless and misleading.
  4. Jesus did not know it was not fig season.  If he had known this, he would not have expected the tree to have fruit, and he would not have cursed the tree for having no fruit.
  5. The whole thing began when Jesus felt hungry.
Now it is easy to understand that the human Jesus felt hunger, and that the human Jesus did not know it was not fig season and so mistakenly expected the tree to have fruit.  A divine Jesus would have known all these, and would not have to go to the tree to discover it had no fruit; he would not have been hungry in the first place.

Now the cursing of the tree is a little more difficult for those who assert the divinity of Jesus.  His miracles, they say, are performed by his divine nature.  Okay, so the divine Jesus cursed the tree.  But why?  Why ruin a tree which in Mark’s view was a perfectly good tree?  Come fig season this tree would have had fruit and others could have eaten from it.  The reason was that the human Jesus made a mistake.  But why did the divine Jesus act upon the mistake of the human Jesus?  Does the human mind in Jesus guide the divine nature in him?  Actually, there is no warrant for all this speculation, for scripture nowhere says that Jesus has two natures.  Those who want to believe contrary to scripture that Jesus was fully human yet fully divine can go on speculating.

Some will say that everything is possible with God, and that we are using words here with their human meanings.  This is true.  Everything is possible with God.  We believe that.  If you tell me God did such and such and He is such and such I cannot say it is impossible.  But what if you say “God did and did not,” or “He is and is not?”  Your statements are meaningless.  When you say that Jesus is perfect God and perfect man at the same time you are saying two opposite things.  Therefore, I reply, “Impossible!”

So what we need here is to hear it said with meaning.  If you think that the words have a different or deeper meaning, when applied to God I cannot help agreeing with you.  But I would like to know with what meaning you are using those words.  Ross explains:

If you wish to redefine some of these words, that’s fine, as long as you can tell us the new meanings that you are using.  The usual practice, however, seems to be to say that while one cannot say precisely what these new meanings are, one is nevertheless sure that they fit together in a way that makes sense.  This, of course, is simply an effort to duck the requirements of logic.  But if you do not know the meanings of the words which you are applying to Jesus, then you are simply saying “Jesus is X” and “Jesus is Y,” X and Y being unknowns.  This, of course, is to say nothing at all. (p. 83)

As a result of this confusion, many Christians revert to the idea that Jesus had two natures that are separable.  Sometimes he acts as a human and sometimes he acts as God.  This, of course, is not supported by scripture, and it would have been wiser to move to the scriptural position that Jesus was a man and a servant of God (See Matthew 12:18, Acts 3:13, Acts 4:27 in the Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version).

William Ellery Channing is one of many Christians who have moved to that scriptural position.  He wrote thus:
    Where do you meet, in the New Testament, the phraseology which abounds in Trinitarian books and which necessarily grows from the doctrine of two natures in Jesus?  Where does this divine teacher say, "this I speak as God, and this as man; this is true only of my human mind, this only of my divine?”  Where do we find in the Epistles a trace of this strange phraseology?  Nowhere.  It was not needed in that day.  It was demanded by the errors of a later age.
    We believe, then that Christ is one mind, one being, and, I add, a being distinct from the one God.  That Christ is not the one God, not the same being with the father, is a necessary inference from our former head, in which we saw that the doctrine of three persons in God is a fiction . . . .  Jesus, in his preaching, continually spoke of God.  The word was always in his mouth.  We ask,  does he by this word ever mean himself?  We say, never.  On the contrary, he most plainly distinguishes between God and himself, and so do his disciples.  (William Ellery Channing,  Unitarian Christianity and Other Essays, edited by Irving H. Bartlett  (U.S.: Liberal Arts Press, 1957) pp. 17-18)

Channing contends that since the doctrine of the two natures is “so strange, so difficult, so remote from all the previous conceptions of men,” it would have been taught with utmost clarity in the Bible had it been a necessary belief for Christians.   But no such teaching can be found in the Bible.  Some Christians say, however, that some passages ascribe divine qualities to Jesus and others human qualities.  To reconcile all these necessitates the said doctrine.  Channing replies that those passages that seem to ascribe divine qualities to Jesus can be easily explained without resorting to the doctrine.  He regards with disdain what he understands to be the solution proposed by other Christians:

In other words, for the purpose of reconciling certain difficult passages, which a just criticism can in a great degree, if not wholly, explain, we must invent a hypothesis vastly more difficult, and involving gross absurdity.  We are to find our way out of a labyrinth by a clue which conducts us into mazes infinitely more inextricable. (p. 17)
Many, like Channing, after thorough study have concluded that Jesus was simply a man chosen by God to deliver His message.  The mighty works he did were by the permission and aid of God.  Jesus of his own could do nothing.  The book The Myth of God Incarnate, edited by John Hick, is a collection of essays written by practicing Christian theologians and clergymen.  Anyone who still has a doubt about this matter should read that book.
Finally, we must turn to God for His guidance.  He sent His final book, the Qur’an to rescue mankind from the theological traps of humanly invented dogmas.  The Qur’an addresses Christians and Jews:
O people of the Scripture!  Now hath Our Messenger come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which ye used to hide of the Scripture, and forgiving much.  Now hath come unto you light from Allah and a plain Scripture, whereby Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace.  He bringeth them out of darkness into light by His decree, and guideth them unto a straight path.  (Qur’an 5:14-15)
And again:

Say:  O People of the Scripture!  Stress not in your religion other than the truth, and follow not the vain desires of the folk who erred of old and led many astray, and erred from the plain road.  (Qur’an 5:77)
Let us pray to Allah for His help.  Nothing is possible without His help.  O Allah!  Guide us and guide all of humankind on the straight path.



   The Qur’an tells us a lot of wonderful things about Jesus.  As a result, believers in the Qur’an love Jesus, honor him, and believe in him.  In fact, no Muslim can be a Muslim unless he or she believes in Jesus, on whom be peace.

The Qur’an says that Jesus was born of a virgin, that he spoke while he was still only a baby, that he healed the blind and the leper by God’s leave, and that he raised the dead by God’s leave.

What then is the significance of these miracles?  First, the virgin birth.  God demonstrates his power to create in every way.  God created everyone we know from a man and a woman.  But how about Adam, on whom be peace?  God created him from neither a man nor a woman.  And Eve from only a man, but not a woman.  And, finally, to complete the picture, God created Jesus from a woman, but not a man.

What about the other miracles?  These were to show that Jesus was not acting on his own behalf, but that he was backed by God.  The Qur’an specifies that these miracles were performed by God’s leave.  This may be compared to the Book of Acts in the Bible, chapter 2, verse 22, where it says that the miracles were done by God to show that he approved of Jesus.  Also, note that Jesus himself is recorded in the Gospel of John to have said, “I can do nothing of my own authority” (5:30).  The miracles, therefore, were done not by his own authority, but by God’s authority.

What did Jesus teach?  The Qur’an tells us that Jesus came to teach the same basic message which was taught by previous prophets from God—that we must shun every false god and worship only the one true God.  Jesus taught that he is the servant and messenger of that one true God, the God of Abraham. These Quranic teachings can be compared with the Bible ( Mark 10:18; Matthew 26:39; John 14:28, 17:3, and 20:17) where Jesus teaches that the one he worshipped is the only true God.  See also Matthew 12:18; Acts 3:13, and 4:27 where we find that his disciples knew him as Servant of God.

The Qur’an tells us that some of the Israelites rejected Jesus, and conspired to kill him, but Allah (God) rescued Jesus and raised him to Himself.  Allah will cause Jesus to descend again, at which time Jesus will confirm his true teachings and everyone will believe in him as he is and as the Qur’an teaches about him.
Jesus is the Messiah.  He is a word from Allah, and a spirit from Him.  He is honoured in this world and in the 
hereafter, and he is one of those brought nearest to Allah.

Jesus was a man who spoke the truth which he heard from God.  This can be compared with the Gospel According to John where Jesus says to the Israelites:  “You are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God” (John 8:40).

The Virgin Birth of Jesus

Muslims believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.  When the angels announced to Mary (peace be upon her) about Allah’s promise that she will have a son, she was surprised, since she was a virgin.  “How can this be?”  she thought.  She was reminded that it is easy for Allah to create whatever he wills.

She said:  My Lord!  How can I have a child when no mortal hath touched me?  He said:  So (it will be).  Allah createth what He will.  If He decrees a thing, He said unto it only:  Be!  and it is (Qur’an 3:47).

It is not difficult for Allah to do anything he wants.  He can create a child with both human parents or only one.  No miracle is beyond His power.  After all, He had created Adam (peace be upon him) from neither a man nor a woman.  He created the rest of us from both man and woman.  What is so hard if Allah decides to create a human being from a woman only?  He only commands “Be!”  and it occurs.

Some people think that since Jesus, peace be upon him, had no human father then God must be his father.  The Qur’an rejects this view.  The position of Jesus with Allah is comparable to the position of Adam with Allah.  Just because Adam had no human parent does not mean we should call him the Son of God.

Lo! the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam.  He created him from dust, then He said unto him:  Be! and he is. (Qur’an 3:59).

According to the Qur’an, everyone except Allah are His servants.
And they say:  the Beneficent hath taken unto Himself a Son.  Assuredly ye utter a disastrous thing, whereby almost the heavens are torn, and the earth is split asunder and the mountains fall to ruins, that ye ascribe to the Beneficent a son, when it is not meet for (the Majesty of) the Beneficent that He should chose a son.  There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave.  (Qur’an 19:88-93)

The Miracles of Jesus
According to the Qur’an, Jesus, on whom be peace, performed the following miracles by Allah’s leave:
1.  Spoke while he was only a baby.
2.  Healed those born blind.
3.  Healed the lepers.
4.  Revived the dead.
5.  Breathed life into a bird made of clay.

In the Qur’an Allah quotes Jesus, peace be upon him, as saying:
    Lo! I come unto you with a sign from your Lord. Lo! I fashion for you out of clay the likeness of a bird, and I breathe into it and it is a bird by Allah’s leave.  I heal him who was born blind, and the leper, and I raise the dead, by Allah’s leave.  And I announce to you what you eat and what you store up in your houses.  Lo! herein verily is a portent for you if you are to be believers.
    And (I come) confirming that which was before me of the Torah, and to make lawful some of that which was forbidden unto you.  I come unto you with a sign from your Lord, so keep your duty to Allah and obey me.  Lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him.  That is a straight path.  (Qur’an 3: 49-51).

Again, in the Qur’an Allah tells us about the situation on the Day of Judgement:
    In the day when Allah gathers together the messengers and says:  What was your response (from mankind)? they say: We have no knowledge.  Lo! Thou, only Thou art the Knower of Things Hidden.
    When Allah says: O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favour unto you and unto your mother; how I strengthened you with the holy Spirit, so that you spoke unto mankind in the cradle as in maturity; and how I taught you the Scripture and Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and how you did shape of clay as it were the likeness of a bird by My permission, and did blow upon it and it was a bird by My permission, and you did heal him who was born blind and the leper by My permission . . . (Qur’an 5:109-110)

Not all of these miracles are recorded in the canonical gospels, the four gospels contained in the Christian Bible.
The fact that Jesus spoke while he was yet a baby is not written anywhere in the Bible.  This should not be surprising, because none of the Gospels can claim to recover every single event in the life of Jesus.  Instead, the gospel According to John seeks to emphasize that the events were too many to record.

Similarly, the miracle of breathing life into a bird made of clay is not attested by the Christian Bible.  This too should not make us wonder.  It is obvious that the writers of the gospels could write down only the tradition that was available to them.  Furthermore, they could not write down everything they knew about Jesus for they were writing on papyrus material that were very limited in length.

What is worthy to notice here is that the Prophet Muhammad, may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, was honest enough to promulgate this information about Jesus.  The religion taught by God through Muhammad would deny the divinity of Jesus.  Any human being, therefore, who wished to deny the divinity of Jesus would have tried to belittle Jesus.  Since Christians looked upon the miracles of Jesus as a proof of his divinity, we might expect that any human being who tries to deny the divinity of Jesus would not have informed people of miracles not previously known to them.  He might have even tried to deny some of the miracles recorded in the canonical gospels.  On the other hand, the prophet Muhammad honestly conveyed the message delivered to him from Allah.  (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.)

Allah tells us the truth without fear.  Human beings trying to win followers tell us only what is conducive to winning us over.  They usually withhold information that could lead to opposite conclusions.  On the other hand, Allah informs us about the miracles of Jesus even if people use this information to support their prior commitment to the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus.  Allah does not need to win worshippers.  Those who worship Allah does so for their own good.  And those who worship false gods do so to their own detriment.

What Allah emphasizes, though, is that the miracles of Jesus do not prove he was divine.  The miracles he performed were a sign, a proof, that he was God’s messenger.  He performed them with God’s help and permission.  Those who use his miracles as proof of his divinity would choose to forget the following sayings of Jesus:
I can of my own authority do nothing. (John 5:30)

They also forget the declaration of Peter:
Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves know. (Acts 2:22 KJV).

These passages suggest that Jesus did not do miracles on his own.  These, rather were accomplished by God’s leave.  Allah reminds us of this.  Jesus also constantly repeated to his audience that the miracles he performed were by God’s leave.

Monday 26 March 2012

Miracle of The Quran about Sea

Where Two Salty and Sweet Seas Meet

Two Seas in Quran
"He releases the two seas 9meeting) side by side, between the a barrier (so) neither of then transgresses" (Quran, 55: 19-20)

"And it is He who has released (simultaneously) one fresh sweet and one salty and bitter, and He placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition" (Quran, 25:53)

"It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: one palatable and sweet, and the other salty and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, and a partition that is forbidden to be passed" (Quran, 25:53)

How can it be? 
Modern science find this myth while Quran state it in more than 1400 years ago. For a Muslim phenomenon like it was not unusual because all happens with the power of almighty God. This does not mean a Muslim did not want to pay attention to the scientific facts about natural eventslike these two seas, because of this phenomenon requires a Muslim to do research and take the wisdom and knowledge.

Many of the power of God in the form of phenomena which according to most humans strange, can be a source of science research to generate substantial benefits for human life.

Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity and density. This phenomenon occurs in several places, including the divider between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean at Gibralter. A white bar can also be clearly seen at Cape Point, Cape Peninsula, South Africa where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean. But when theQur’an speaks about the divider between fresh and salt water, it mentions the existence of  “a forbidding partition” with the barrier.

This phenomenon occurs in several places, including Egypt, where the river Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea. These scientific phenomena mentioned in the Qur’an was also confirmed by Dr. William Hay, a well known marine scientist and Professor of Geological Sciences at theUniversity of Colorado, U.S.A. (Muslim Ways)

Friday 23 March 2012

The Power of Quran Healing

There are many cases cured every day by reciting the Koran; we cannot deny that because recovery does happen; it happened to me when I was reciting specific verses for a specific illness and the illness was cured!
Koran Healing is a critical issue which wasn’t given enough study or research, so I thought about starting this journey and asked Allah to guide me, give me the useful knowledge, show me the right and help me do it, and show me the wrong and help me avoid it. One of the most important fruits of this research, which continued for years, was that I came out with an important result: Allah had put in every verse of the Koran a healing power for a certain disease if this verse was recited for a specific number of times.
In the beginning
When we contemplate on the universe around us, we notice that every single atom is vibrating in a specific frequency, whether this atom is part of metal, water, cell, or anything else. So every thing in this universe is vibrating, this is a given scientific fact.
The basic structure of the universe is the atom, and the basic structure of our bodies is the cell; each cell is made of billions of atoms and each atom is made of a positive nucleus and negative electrons rotating around it; because of this rotation, an electromagnetic field is generated similar to fields generated by an engine.

The atom is the basic structure in the universe and in our bodies; it is constantly vibrating which means that every thing is vibrating according to a precise system. Cells vibrate in a precise system, and any vibration around us affects our cells.
The secret that makes our brain think is an accurate program inside the brain cells; this program is inside every cell doing its task precisely; the smallest defect in its job would cause imbalance and disorder of some of the body parts; the best cure for this imbalance is to restore balance to the body. Scientists discovered that body cells are affected by various vibrations such as light waves, radio waves, sound waves etc. But what is sound?

Each cell in our body vibrates in a precise system, and the smallest change in this vibration would mean an illness of some part of the body. That's why these damaged cells should be vibrated to restore balance to them.
 We know that the sound is made of waves or vibrations moving in the air in about 340m/sec. Each sound has its own frequency, and human can hear from 20 frequencies per second to 20000 frequencies per second (1). These waves spread in the air and then get received by the ear, then turn into electrical signals and move along the acoustic nerve towards the acoustic bark in the brain; the cells correspond to the waves and move into the various parts of the brain especially the frontal part; all these parts work together corresponding to the signals and translating them to a language the human understands. Thus, the brain analyses the signals and gives its orders to the various body parts to correspond to these signals.

The sound is made of mechanic vibrations that reach the ear then the brain cells which correspond to these vibrations and change their own vibration; that's why the sound is considered an effective healing power depending on the nature of the sound and its frequencies. We find the healing power in the Koran because it is the book of Allah.
From here came sound therapy; the sound is a vibration, and body cells are vibrating, then the sound influences these cells. This is what researchers discovered recently; in Washington University late in the twentieth century, scientists found that the job of a brain cell is not just to transfer information, each cell is a small computer working on collecting information, processing it, and giving orders continuously round the clock. Ellen Covey, a researcher in Washington University, says that it is the first time that we realize that the brain does not work as a big computer, but it contains a huge number of computers working in a cooperative way, there is a small computer in each cell, and these computers are affected by the vibrations around them, especially the sound (2).

Experiments show that inside each cell in the brain there is a tiny computer which Allah deposited an accurate program that directs the cell and controls its work. They also show that the sound affects the cell; this is a picture of a cell getting affected by a sound and an electromagnetic field is being formed around it.
 Thus, we can say that the cells of each body part vibrate in a specific frequency, and form a complicated and coordinated system that is affected by any sound around it. So, any disease affecting any part of the body will cause a change in the vibration of this part's cells and thus causing it to deviate from the general body system affecting the whole body. This is why, when the body is exposed to a specific sound, this sound influences the vibration system of body and especially the irregular part; this part would respond to specific sounds to restore its original vibration system or, in other words, to restore its healthy condition. Scientists discovered these results recently. What is the story of this science (the sound therapy)?
Sound therapy story
Alfred Tomatis, a French doctor, made experiments for fifty years about the human senses and came out with the result that the hearing sense is the most important sense!! He found that the ear controls the whole body, regulates its vital operations and the balance and coordination of its movements; he also found that the ear controls the nervous system!
During his experiments, he found that the hearing nerves connect with all body muscles and this is the reason why the balance and flexibility of the body and the sight sense get affected by sounds. The inner ear is connected with all the body parts such as the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, and the intestines; this explains why sound frequencies affect the whole body (3).
In 1960, the Swiss scientist Hans Jenny found that the sound affects the various materials and reform their particulars, and that each cell of the body has its own sound and gets affected by the sounds and rearranges the material inside it (4). In 1974, the researchers Fabien Maman and Sternheimer made an astonishing discovery; they found that each part of the body has its own vibration system, subject to physics laws. A few years later, Fabien and Grimal, another researcher, discovered that sound affects cells especially cancer cells, and that certain sounds had stronger effect; the strange thing the two researchers found was that the sound that had the strongest effect on body cells is the sound of the human himself!!

The sound moves from the ear to the brain and affects the brain cells; scientists recently found that the sound has a strange healing power and an amazing effect of the brain cells which work on restoring the balance to the whole body! Reciting Koran has an astonishing effect on these cells and is capable of restoring their balance; the brain is the organ that controls the body and from it the orders comes to the rest of the body organs especially the immune system.
Fabian, a scientist and musician, put blood cells from a healthy body and exposed them to various sounds; he found that each note of the musical scale affects the electromagnetic field of the cell; when photographing this cell with Kirlian camera, he found out that the shape and value of the electromagnetic field of the cell change according to the sound frequencies and the sound type of the reader. Then he made another experiment taking a blood drop from one of the patients, and then he monitored the drop with Kirlian camera and asked the patient to make various notes. He found, after processing the pictures, that on a specific note the blood drop changes its electromagnetic field and fully vibrates responding to its owner. He thus concluded that there are specific notes that affect the body cells and make them more vital and active, even regenerates them. He came out with an important result: The human sound has a powerful and unique influence over body cells; this influence is not found in any other instrument. This researcher said literally:
"The human sound has a special spiritual ring making it the most powerful healing device (5). Fabien found that some sounds easily explode the cancerous cell, and at the same time activate the healthy cell. The sound affects human blood cells which transfer the frequencies of this sound to the whole body through the blood circulation".

A cancerous cell exploded by using sound frequencies only!! That's why reciting the Koran has a great impact on treating the most danger cancers and incurable diseases!
But is this influence limited only to cells? It became clear that sound affects everything around us. This is what Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, proved in his experiments on water; he found that the electromagnetic field of water molecules is highly affected by the sound, and that there are specific tones that affect these molecules and make them more regular. If we remember that the human body is 70% water, then the sound the human hears affects the regularity of water molecules in the cells and the way these molecules vibrate, thus affects his healing (6). Different researchers confirm that the human sound could heal many diseases including cancer (7). Sound therapists also confirm that there are certain sounds that are more effective and have a healing power especially in increasing the immune system efficiency (8).

Water molecules shape changes when exposed to sound; thus, sound greatly affects the water we drink. If you recite the Koran on water, its characteristics would change and it would carry the Koran effect to every cell in the body causing them to heal !In the picture, we see a frozen water molecule; the electromagnetic field around this molecule changes continuously because of the sound effect.
 How Koran heals?
Now, let's ask the important question: what happen inside body cells and how does sound cure? How does this sound affect the damaged cells and restore their balance? In other words, what is the mechanism of healing?
Doctors are constantly looking for means to destroy some virus; if we think about the mechanism of this virus, what moves it and makes it recognize its way to the cell? Who gave the virus the information stored within which enables it to attack the cells and multiply inside? What moves the cells against this virus to destroy it while stand helpless in front of another virus?

Viruses and germs also vibrate and are highly affected by sound vibrations especially the Koran sound; it stops them and at the same time increases the activity of the healthy cells and revives the disrupted program inside so to become ready to fight viruses and germs.
The Koran recitation is made of a group of frequencies that reach the ear then move to the brain cells and affect them through the electronic fields these frequencies generate in these cells; the cells would respond to these fields and modify their vibrations, this change in the vibration is what we fell and understand after experience and repetition.
It is the natural system that Allah gave to the brain cells, it is the natural balance system; this is what Allah told us in the holy Koran: (Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which he has made mankind: No change let there be in the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the straight religion, but most of men know not) (Al-Rum, 30).

A real picture of a blood cell that was exposed to the sound and started changing the electromagnetic field around it; the sound of the Koran changes the information this cell carries and makes it more capable of fighting viruses and the defect Resulting from malignant diseases.
What are the healing verses?
Dear reader, each verse of the Koran has an amazing healing power for a specific disease; what is confirmed is that the Prophet, Allah's peace and blessing be upon him, focused on specific chapters and verses, such as reading Al-Fatiha seven times, Al-Kursi verse (verse number 255 in Al-Bakara chapter), the last two verses of Al-Bakara Chapter, and the last three chapters of the Koran.
But the whole Koran heals; you can, dear brother, read the verses that you hope to cure your illness. For example, if you feel upset, focus your reading on Al-Sharh chapter (Have We not opened your breast for you); if you have a sever headache, read: (Had We sent down this Koran on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allah. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect) (Al-Hashr, 21); if you are suffering from pimples, warts, or skin problems then read: (then it is struck with a fiery whirlwind, so that it is burnt) (Al-Baqarah, 266).
If you are afraid, keep repeating Korish chapter, especially the verse: (and has made them safe from fear) (Korish, 4). A strong cure of depression is the repetition of these verses from the Holy Koran: (O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (the Koran) and a healing for the diseases in your breasts, a guidance and a mercy for the believers* Say: "In the Bounty of Allah, and in His Mercy (i.e. Islam and the Koran); therein let them rejoice." That is better than what (the wealth) they amass) (Yunus, 57-58).
The greatest prophet peace be upon him used to say hundreds of supplications every day, do you think he was doing it in vain? He was asking Allah to protect him from evil, including diseases. You can say the supplication that protect you from diseases every day: (I seek refuge in Allah's perfect words that are obeyed by the faithful and the immoral from all that He created, made in earth and originated from it, from all that come from heaven and ascend into it, from the seductions of the day and the night, and from the night and day visitors except those who bring good, O you most Gracious). Don’t you agree with me that this great prophetic supplication is the best protector from any disease?
Thus, dear brothers and sisters, you can find in the Koran and Sunnah a cure for any disease whether psychological or physical; it is preferred to read the verses in a loud voice so to make your body cells get affected by the sound of the Koran, and to focus on the sick part and imagine that Allah has cured it; repeat these verses and start each time with Al-Fatiha and finish with Al-Falaq and Al-Nas. You can also ask for the verses that are relevant for your disease.
O Allah, make the Koran our cure for every disease. 

(1) the sound frequencies are measured by hertz, which is a measurement meaning one vibration each second; these sound frequencies are different from one human to another and according to what the human is saying.
(2) Joel Schwarz, How little gray cells process sound: they're really a series of computers, University ofWashington, Nov. 21, 1997.
(3) Tomatis Alfred, The Conscious Ear, Station Hill Press, New York, 1991.
(4)Jenny Hans, Cymatics, Basilius Presse AG, Basel, 1974.
(5) Maman Fabien, The Role of Music in the Twenty-First Century, Tama-Do Press, California, 1997.
(6) Emoto Masaru. The Message from Water,HADO Kyoikusha. Tokyo, 1999.
(7) Keys Laurel Elizabeth, Toning the Creative Power of the Voice, DeVorss and Co. California, 1973.
(8)Simon Heather, The Healing Power of Sound,
(9) Kara Gavin, University of Michigan researchers publish new findings on the brain's response to costly mistakes, University of Michigan, April 12, 2006.
(10) Brain Scans as Lie Detectors: Ready for Court Use?, Malcolm Ritter,, 29 January 2006.
(11) Carl T. Hall, Chronicle Science Writer, Fib detector Study shows brain scan detects patterns of neural activity when someone lies,, November 26, 2001.