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Wednesday 29 February 2012

'மேகங்கள்' பற்றி குர்ஆன் கூறும் உண்மைகள்

'மேகங்கள்' பற்றி குர்ஆன் கூறும் உண்மைகள்

இன்றைய நவீன அறிவியலறிஞர்கள் மற்றும் வானியல் வல்லுனர்கள் மேகங்களின் வகைகளைப் பற்றியும்,  அவற்றின் செயல்பாடுகளைப் பற்றியும் பல அறிய தகவல்களை சேகரித்துள்ளனர்.  வானியல் வல்லுனர்கள் தகவல்ப்படி, மழை மேகங்கள் ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட வகையான காற்றினாலும், மேகக் கூட்டங்களினாலும் ஓன்று திரட்டப் பட்டு இணைந்து தமக்குரிய வடிவத்தைப் பெறுகின்றன.  மேகங்களின் கூட்டத்தில் ஒரு வகையான மேகமே திரள் கார்முகில்(cumulonimbus cloud) மேகமாகும்.  இந்த திரள் கார்முகில் எனும் மேகம் எங்கனம் உருவாகின்றது?  அவை எவ்வாறு மழை மற்றும் ஆலங்கட்டி (hail) மழையைப் பொழிகின்றது?  மின்னல்கள் எவ்வாறு தோன்றுகின்றன?  போன்ற பல கேள்விகளுக்கான தகவல்களை சேகரித்துள்ளனர்.

கீழ்க்காணும் படிகளின் மூலம் திரள் கார்முகில் மேகங்கள் மழையை உருவாக்குகின்றன:

1.  மேகங்கள் காற்றினால் உந்தப்படுதல்:
சின்ன சின்ன துகள்களாக பிரிந்து கிடக்கும் மேகங்களை காற்று உந்துவதனால்  திரள் கார்முகில் மேகங்கள் உருவாகின்றன.  இந்த சிறிய துகள்களான மேகங்களை நாம் முகிற் கூட்டத்திரள் (cumulus cloud)என்கிறோம்.  

படம் 1. செயற்கைக்கோள் புகைப்படம் மேகங்கள் காற்றினால் B,C மற்றும் D பகுதிகளில் ஒன்று சேருவதைக் காணலாம்.  அம்புக்குறி காற்றின் திசையை குறிக்கிறது.
படம் 2. சிறிய துகள்களான முகிற் கூடத்திறல் மேகங்கள் அதன் இணைப்பு பகுதியான அடிவானத்தின் பக்கம் ஒன்று சேருகின்றன.

2.  இணைதல்:

இச்சிறிய மேகக் கூட்டங்கள் காற்றின் உந்துதலால் ஒன்றோறொன்று இணைந்து பெரிய மேகங்களை அதாவது கார் முகில்திரள் மேகங்களை உருவாக்குகின்றன.
  படம் 3A.  தனித் தனியாக பிரிந்து இருக்கும் முகிற் கூட்டதிரள் மேகங்கள்.  (3B). சிறிய மேகங்கள் ஒன்றிணைவதால் மேல்நோக்கு காற்றின் மின்னோட்டத்தினால் அடுக்காக உயரத் தொடங்குகின்றன. நீர் துளிகள் ' .' என்பதால் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

3. அடுக்கு வரிசை:

சிறிய மேகக்கூட்டங்கள்(முகிற் கூட்ட திரள்)  ஒன்றோறொன்று இணையும் போது உருவாகும் பெரிய(திரள் கார்முகிற்) மேகங்களினுள் மேல் நோக்கிய காற்று மின்னோட்டம்(updraft) அதிகரிக்கின்றது.  இத்திரள் கார்முகில் மேகத்தின் மையப் பகுதியில் மற்ற ஓரப் பகுதிகளை விட காற்றின் மின்னோட்டம் வலிமையானதாக இருக்கும்.  இந்த மேல் நோக்கு காற்று மின்னோட்டத்தின் காரணமாக மேகப் பகுதிகள் செங்குத்தாக உயரத் தொடங்குகிறது.  (பார்க்க படம்: 3B, 4&5).  இம்மேகங்கள் செங்குத்தாக உயருவதினால் மேகத்தின் உடல் இழுக்கப் பட்டு வளிமண்டலத்தில் பரந்து குளிர்வான பகுதியை தோற்றுவிக்கும்.  ஆதலால் இம்மேகங்களிலுள் நீர்த் துளிகளும் மற்றும் ஆலங்கட்டிகளும் உருவாகிப் பின் அவைகள் இன்னும் அதிக அதிகமாக கூடத் தொடங்குகின்றன.  எப்போது இந்த நீர்த் துளிகளும், ஆலங்கட்டிகளும் மேகத்தில் அதிகரித்து அதன் உச்சநிலையை தொடுகின்றதோ காற்றின் மின்னோட்டத்தின் உதவியால் மழை மற்றும் ஆலங்கடிகளாய் பொழிகின்றது.  

 படம் 4. திரள்கார்முகில்  மேகம். அவை அடுக்குகளாய் உயர்ந்து பின் மழை பொழியத் தொடங்குகின்றது.

அல்லாஹ்(swt) தனது திருக் குர்ஆனில் கூறுகிறான்:

(நபியே!) நீர் பார்க்கவில்லையா? நிச்சயமாக அல்லாஹ் மேகத்தை மெதுவாக இழுத்து, பின்னர் அவற்றை ஒன்றாக இணையச்செய்து, அதன் பின் அதை (ஒன்றின் மீது ஒன்று சேர்த்து) அடர்த்தியாக்குகிறான்; அப்பால் அதன் நடுவேயிருந்து மழை வெளியாவதைப் பார்க்கிறீர்;  (அல்-குர்ஆன்: 24:43)

இன்று வானியல் வல்லுனர்கள் செயற்கைக்கோள், கணிப்பொறி உள்ளிட்ட பல நவீன உபகரணங்களை பயன்படுத்தி மேகங்களின் வடிவத்தையும், அவை இணைவதைப் பற்றியும், அதன் செயல்பாடுகளைப் பற்றியும் இத்தகைய தகவலைப் பெற்றுள்ளனர். மேலும் காற்றின் திசை, ஈரத்தன்மை மற்றும் காற்றழுத்தம் அவைகளின் வேறுபாடுகளை அறிய பல நவீன கருவிகளைப் பயன்படுத்துகின்றனர்.  இவ்வாறு சேகரிக்கப்பட்ட உண்மையான தகவலைத் தான் 1400 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் இறக்கப்பட்ட இறை வேதமான திருக்குர்ஆனில் அல்லாஹ் கூறியிருக்கின்றான்.  அதே வசனத்தில் இறைவன் கூறுகின்றான்:

இன்னும் அவன் வானத்தில் மலைக(ளைப் போன்ற மேக கூட்டங்க)ளிலிருந்து பனிக்கட்டியையும் இறக்கி வைக்கின்றான்; அதைத் தான் நாடியவர்கள் மீது விழும்படிச் செய்கிறான் - தான் நாடியவர்களை விட்டும் அதை விலக்கியும் விடுகிறான் - அதன் மின்னொளி பார்வைகளைப் பறிக்க நெருங்குகிறது.  (அல்-குர்ஆன்: 24:43)   

பனிக்கட்டி மழை பொழியும் திரள் கார் முகில் மேகங்கள் சுமார் 25,000 அடி முதல் 30,000 அடிவரை (4.7 to 5.7 மைல்கள்) உயரம் வரை உயர்ந்த மலைகளைப் போன்று வளரக்கூடியது என்று வானியல் வல்லுனர்கள் கண்டுபிடித்துள்ளனர்.  அல்லாஹ்(SWT) இதைத்தான் குர் ஆனில் 'வானத்தில் மலைக(ளைப் போன்ற மேக கூட்டங்க)ளிலிருந்து' என்று கூறுகின்றான்.

    படம் 5. மலை போன்று உயர்ந்து நிற்கும் திரள் கார் மேகம்(cumulonimbus cloud).

பொருளடர்ந்த இவ்வசனத்தில் அல்லாஹ்(SWT) 'மின்னொளி' அதாவது மின்னல் பற்றி கூறியிருக்கின்றான்.  ஆலங்கட்டி மழையுடன் மின்னலை ஏன் சம்பந்தபடுத்தினான்? மின்னல்கள் உருவாக ஆலங்கட்டி ஒரு முக்கிய காரணியாக இருக்குமோ? என்றெல்லாம் கேள்விகள் எழலாம்.  மேகங்களில் உள்ள பனிக்கட்டிகள் மேகத்தின் அதிக குளிர்ச்சியான நீர்த்துளிகள் மற்றும் பனிப் படிகங்களின் வழியாக கீழே விழும்போது மேகங்கள் மின்னூட்டம்  பெறுகின்றன என்று 'இன்றைய வானிலை' என்ற புத்தகம் மின்னலைப் பற்றி கூறுகின்றது.

மேகங்களினுள் இருக்கும் திரவ நீர்த்துளிகள் பனிக்கட்டிவுடன் மோதும் போது, அவை உறைந்து உள்ளுறை வெப்பத்தினை(Latent Heat) வெளிப்படுத்துகிறது.  இதனால் பனிக்கட்டியின் வெளிப்புறம் சுற்றியிருக்கும் பனிப்படிகங்களைக் காட்டிலும் வெதுவெதுப்பாக இருக்கும்.  எப்பொழுது இந்த வெதுவெதுப்பான பனிக்கட்டிகள் சுற்றியுள்ள பனிப்படிகங்களைக் தொடுகின்றதோ அப்பொழுதுதான் முக்கியமான மின்னியல் நிகழ்வுகள் இடம்பெறுகின்றன.

படம் 6.  மின்னல்

குளிர்சியானப் பனிப்படிகங்களிலிருந்து வெதுவெதுப்பான பனிக் கட்டியின் இலக்கிற்கு எலெக்ட்ரான் பாய்ச்சல் நிகழ்கின்றது.  இதனால் பனிக்கட்டி எதிர் மின்னோட்டம் பெறுகின்றது.  இதைப்போன்ற நிகழ்வுதான் அதிக குளிர்ச்சியான நீர்த் துளிகள் பனிக்க்கட்டியுடன் மோதும் போதும் நிகழ்கின்றன.  இதனால் குளிர்ச்சியான நீர்த்துளிகள் நேர் மின்னோட்டம் பெற்று சிறிய பனித் துளிகளாகப் பிரிந்து விடுகின்றது.  குறைவான எடை கொண்ட இந்த சிறிய நேர் மின்னோட்டம் காற்றின் மேல் நோக்கு விசையால் மேகத்தின் மேல் பகுதிக்கு எடுத்துசெல்லப் படுகிறது.  இறுதியாக பனிக்கட்டி எதிர் மின்னோட்டம் பெற்று மேகத்தின் கீழ் பகுதியில் தங்கிவிடுகிறது.  எனவே மேகத்தின் கீழ் பகுதி எதிர் மின்னோட்டம் பெறுகின்றது.  இந்த எதிர் மின்னோட்டம் மேகத்திலிருந்து மின்னலை வெளிப்படுத்துகின்றது.  இவற்றிலிருந்து பனிக்கட்டிகள் மின்னல் தோன்ற ஒரு முக்கிய காரணியாக இருப்பதாக நாம் தீர்மானிக்கலாம்.

அல்லாஹ்(SWT) இவ்வாறாக தனது வசனத்தில் மழையைப் பற்றியும், பனிக்கட்டிகளைப் பற்றியும் மற்றும் மின்னல்களைப் பற்றியும் விவரிக்கின்றான்.  இறைவன் கூறும் இவ்வசனங்களின் விளக்கங்களை இன்றைய நவீன அறிவியலின் உதவிகொண்டு நாம் அறிகின்றோம்.  இத்தகைய பல்வேறு அறிவியல் நுட்பங்களை தன்னுள் கொண்டிருக்கின்ற அருள் மறை திருக்குர்ஆன்  ஏக இறைவன் அல்லாஹ் ஒருவனிடமிருந்துதான் இறக்கப்பட்டது என்பதை நிச்சயமாக கூறமுடியும். 14 நூற்றாண்டுகளுக்கு முன் திருக்குர்ஆன் கூறுவது போன்று நுட்பங்களைக் எந்த மனிதனாலும் கூறியிருக்க முடியாது என்பது உறுதியாகிறது.  ஆகவே வணக்கத்துக்குரியவன்  அல்லாஹ் ஒருவனே! அவனிடமிருந்து முஹம்மது நபி(ஸல்) அவர்களின் மூலம் இவ்வுலகிற்கு அளிக்கப் பட்ட அருட்கொடையே கண்ணியமிக்க திருக்குர்ஆன் என்று நான் சாட்சி கூறுகிறேன்.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Not in Front of the Children

By Ibrahim Bowers
Many times parents and adults do things intentionally or unintentionally that may set a bad example to their children and other youngsters around. Below would be some such situations and advises on how to set a better example for your youngsters.
Setting Bad Examples for Children
"Tell them I'm not here," we yell to our spouse or children as the telephone rings. Although we might no have noticed it, we have just set an example of lying for our children. When they see us lying, they may say to themselves that it's okay to lie. Dad and mom do it.
If we had been more conscious of our role as an example for our children, we could have avoided this mistake by using a caller ID; by telling our spouse or our children to say that we were unavailable to talk now, not that we were not at home; or by simply taking the call. But we should never lie.
Many other "little" things that we do during the day may actually be setting bad examples for our children without our even realizing it. Remaining constantly aware of our role as an example might help us to avoid making some of these mistakes. However, there are several danger areas in our daily lives that we should be especially careful about.
Here are some thoughts about providing a better role model:
We Should Never Make False Promises to Our Children.
For example, we should never tell them, "I will take you for ice cream if you are good," when we have no intention of taking them for ice cream. This is also lying, and if we do it, our children may lose confidence in everything we say.
Don't Argue with Our Spouses in Front of Children
What must it feel like for children to see their mother and father yelling at each other and even hitting each other? What horror they must feel at that time. And how will they know what to do afterwards? Can they ever go back to the same loving relationship with their father and mother after watching them abuse each other? If we do make the mistake of arguing or fighting in front of our children and then we make up later, we should be sure to include the children and even apologize to them for our immature and un-Islamic behavior. InshaAllah, they will respect us even more for admitting that we were wrong.
We Should Never Make Fun of Others.
If we say, "Hey, look at that ugly guy over there! Ha! Ha! Ha!," our children may think that this is acceptable behavior. Afterward, if they publicly say something bad about somebody and we or that person gets embarrassed, we should remember that we are the ones who taught them to behave this way.
We Should Never Gossip
We must not gossip or speak evil about others behind their backs. Even though the victims of our gossip might not hear us, our children will. They are watching us eat the dead flesh of our brothers and sisters, and it could affect them in many ways. They might simply begin to believe that this is normal behavior, or they might be extremely disgusted with their parents for behaving in this way. Either way our children will be negatively influenced.
We Should Never Watch Bad Radio or Television Programs
Later, when we tell our children not to watch kissing or violence on TV, they will see us as hypocrites and lose respect for us.
As Muslims, we should of course try to be the best human beings we can possibly be. As Muslim parents, we must try even harder because our behavior will very likely have a major impact on the behavior of our children now and when they grow up. It's not what mom and dad say; it's what mom and dad do.
Raising kids is an incredible responsibility. If we want to succeed, we must raise them with both words and actions. As human beings, we will at times do wrong and make mistakes. But please, NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN

Saturday 25 February 2012

Beautiful Story about “LIFE”

A boy said to his father: “I saw a girl and I want to marry… her. She is so beautiful and she has gorgeous eyes. The father answered his son: of course son, let’s ask for her hand in marriage.”
When the father saw the girl, he admired her beauty and he told his son: “You don’t deserve this girl, she needs someone who has experience in life and she can depend on, someone like me.”
The boy was surprised by the attitude of his father and he told him : “She will marry me, not you”. They started to fight and finally they decided both to go to the police station to solve their problem.
When they tell their story to the police officer, he told them:”bring the girl so we can ask her about her opinion about this. ” When the officer saw the beauty of the girl he said to the boy and his father:”you both don’t deserve her, she needs someone who has prestige like me.”
The 3 men started a fight and decided to go to the minister to solve their problem. When the minister saw the girl, he said: “She deserves to be married with a minister like me”. The prince heard about their problem and call them all to help them solve it but and when he saw the girl he said : “This girl will marry me” .
All the 5 men started to fight. Finally, the girl said “I have the solution! I will start to run and whoever catches me first, he will be my husband”. When she started to run, the boy, his father, the police officer, the minister and the prince started to run to catch her. Suddenly the 5 men fell into a deep hole.
The girl looked to them from the top and she said “did you know who am I?”
“I am the Dunya -THE WORLD LIFE - !!!
People want to run to catch me, they are racing to have me.
By doing that, they forget their religion,
until they end up in their grave and won’t have me.”

Thursday 16 February 2012

Top 10 Reasons to Turn Off Your TV

From Mark Stibich, Ph.D., Your Guide to Longevity.
Turning off your television will gain you, on average, about 4 hours per day. Imagine if you took that time to exercise, give your brain a workout and develop strong relationships. Not only would you be adding years to your life, you would become more interesting, energetic, and fun. So take the plunge and try not watching TV for a week. At first it will be strange and awkward, but stick with it and soon you will love all the extra time.
1. Television Eats Your Time
The average U.S. adult watches more than 4 hours of television a day. That's 25 percent of waking time spent every day. Imagine if you suddenly had 25 percent more time -- that's three extra months per year! You could get in all your exercise, cook your meals from scratch and still have time left over to write a novel.
Over a lifetime, an 80-year-old person would have watched 116,800 hours of television, compared to only 98,000 hours of work. As a nation, adults watch 880 million hours of television every day or 321 billion hours per year. Whew! Imagine what could get done if we all just stopped watching TV.
2. Television makes you stressed
With the average of four hours a day gone, it's no wonder everyone is feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. We put aside paying bills, finishing projects, making phone calls and cleaning our homes to watch TV. We feel overwhelmed because of all the things we should be doing (exercising, spending time with family, eating right) go undone.
And when we feel overwhelmed, tired, and exhausted we don't have energy to anything but -- you guessed it -- watch TV. It is a dreadful cycle. So take a break from TV for a week and see what happens to your life.
3. Television Makes You Overweight
Eating while distracted limits your ability to assess how much you have consumed. According to Eliot Blass at the University of Massachusetts, people eat between 31 and 74 percent more calories while watching TV.
This could add, on average, about 300 calories extra per TV meal. Now consider that at least 40 percent of families watch TV while eating dinner. It becomes clear that TV is a big part of the obesity epidemic in the U.S. and that TV, in fact, makes you gain weight.
4. Television Makes You Uninteresting
Many people have whole conversations that are recaps of TV programs, sporting events and sitcoms. When asked about their real lives, there is little or nothing to report and no stories to tell (except the TV shows they have watched).
Life is too interesting and wonderful to spend your time either watching TV or recapping television to your friends. Find something interesting to do: volunteer, read, paint -- anything but watch more TV.
5. Television Ruins Your Relationships
A television is turned on an average of 7 hours and 40 minutes per day in many U.S. households. With the TV on that much, there is little time for you and your significant other or children to spend time together, share experiences, and develop deeper relationships.
Sitting together and watching TV does not grow a relationship. Turn that TV off and find something to do together --cooking, exercising, taking a walk, anything.
6. Television is Not Relaxation
TV is the opposite of exercise. If you are watching TV you are usually sitting, reclining or lying down. You are burning as few calories as possible. All that extra food you eat while watching TV does not get burned off. Your brain goes into a lull.
But you are not relaxing -- your mind is still receiving stimuli from the TV, you are processing information and reacting emotionally. Have you ever found yourself thinking about TV characters? Do you ever dream about TV shows? These are signs that the brain is working hard to process all the TV you have been watching.
7. Television Loses Opportunities
If you are sitting and watching TV, nothing new or exciting is going to happen to you. New opportunities and ideas come from being out in the world, talking to people, and reading interesting things.
Watching TV isolates you. Nothing is going to change in your world if you are watching TV. Turn off the TV, go out into the world, talk to people, and see what happens. 
8. Television is Addictive
Television can become addictive. Signs of TV addiction include:
  • using the TV to calm down
  • not being able to control your viewing
  • feeling angry or disappointed in how much TV you watched
  • feeling on edge if kept from watching
  • feeling a loss of control while watching
If the idea of giving up TV for a week is horrifying, you may be addicted to television. Luckily, TV addiction is a habit and not a physical addiction like smoking. You should be able to control it once you are aware of the problem and make a decision to change.
9. Television Makes You Buy Things
By age 65, the average American has seen 2 million commercials. Your knowledge of products and brands comes from these TV commercials. Your perception of what you need also comes from these commercials.
If you didn't know that your iPod could talk to your running shoes, you wouldn't feel like your current shoes are too low-tech. If you didn't know about vacuums that never lose suction, your current vacuum would seem fine. Our perception of need is determined by what we see. Need less by watching less TV.
10. Television Costs Money
A basic cable package costs $43 per month and many packages cost much more than that. That comes to at least $500 a year spent on TV. For that much money you could: buy a membership to every museum or zoo in your town, get a gym membership, buy a nice bicycle, invest it every year for 10years at 10 percent interest* and have more than $10,000.
Sources:; US Census Bureau
Jamiat Comment: There isn't much left to say except that for a Muslim home the most dangerous part about the TV is that it corrodes Islamic values. All the sex, violence, bad language and rotten attitudes of characters on TV have turned generations of innocent young children into monsters which even their parents cannot recognize. And then we ask ourselves: where did we go wrong as parents?

Added to that, the TV is without doubt the most powerful propaganda machine ever created by man. Want to make the masses believe in something? Show it on TV. In this way our children accept the worked ideologies of the atheists and liberals without even being concsciously aware of it!.

There is only one solution – Break the TV and then throw it into the garbage bin. This may seem harsh, but there is no time left for subtleties. Get rid of that Shaytaan box immediately, and feel the goodness return to your home.

* remember that this article is not written by a Muslim, hence the mention of consuming interest. This is obviously incorrect for a Muslim, as interest is Haraam. But the principle behind what the author is saying applies to Muslims as well: save your money and invest in some Halaal way.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

The peacock is an example of Allah Ta'ala's matchless creative artistry‏

The peacock is an example of Allah Ta'ala's matchless creative artistry

According to one of the evolution scenario's claims, some water-dwelling amphibians developed into fully, terrestrial reptiles. One branch of this group evolved further, constituting the ancestors of today's birds.
However, despite all the efforts expended over the last century and a half, not a single trace has ever been found of the half-bird, half-reptile creatures that evolutionists assume must once have lived. No transitional forms covered half in scales and half in feathers, or with half-developed wings, have ever been found in the Earth's geological strata. In fact, contrary to what's been conjectured, only fossils with perfect structures─the remains of flawless, fully formed living things─have ever been discovered.
But despite the absence of any evidence to support their unscientific tale, evolutionists doggedly persist in their claims, hoping that these fictitious fossils will one day be found.
Stuart Burgess, an assistant professor of engineering design at Bristol University in England, revealed the extraordinary nature of the peacock feather in a most striking way and concluded that this structure could not be explained in terms of Darwin's theory of "sexual selection."

With its large tail feathers with their vivid hues and unique patterns, the peacock possesses an extraordinary beauty. One feature of these stunning iridescent colors is that they change according to the angle one views them from. These are created not thanks to pigments (the substance that gives color to feathers ), but to an optical effect in the micro-hairs known as the "thin film."

The eye shape at the end of each feather of this bird emerges through a combination of thousands of micro-hairs. Although they are independent of one another, thousands of neighboring micro-hairs produce this pattern. If they were arranged at random and in an unordered manner, they could not produce the geometric shapes. The odds of this shape arising by chance are as slim as that of the flowers in a garden combining to produce the same pattern.
The information determining all the structures in the feathers is concealed in DNA. This once again emphasizes the extraordinary nature of Creation. The number and thickness of the keratin layers, the number of micro-hairs, the brown background, the distance between the feathers-all these factors are produced according to data in the DNA. This peerless beauty cannot possibly have emerged through random mutations, as evolutionists would have us believe.
Right from the outset, this fact has represented a major predicament for the theory of evolution. Darwin, who endeavored to account for the signs of Creation in living things in terms of blind coincidence, made the following confession regarding peacock feathers in a letter he wrote to his friend Asa Gray on 3 April, 1860:

The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick! (Francis Darwin, Letter to Asa Gray, 3 April 1860, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, London: John Murray, Vol. 2, 1887, p. 296.)

This certainly demonstrates Darwin's biased point of view.
The beauty in the peacock tail has nothing to do with its function. This attribute of the peacock is a clear indication of creation. When one sees beauty in a human design, one immediately realizes that it must have a designer. For example, in addition to imparting order and functionality to a garden, a landscape architect also brings to it beauty and attractiveness-clear signs that this garden was the work of a designer. Every detail the architect adds to its beauty is further proof that the garden has not been arranged at random.
The beauty in peacock feathers, which display all the fine detail of optical science, are examples of aesthetic marvels that reveal the existence of their Creator, Our Lord.
Every detail in the peacock feather, which we have reviewed here only in broadest terms, has the appropriate location, shape, color and structure for a specific purpose. That purpose displays to us Allah's artistry, introduces us to His knowledge in the details and that Allah possesses all the power necessary to create matchless beauties that delight human beings.
In one verse of the Qur'an, people who fear Allah and who are able to comprehend such concepts by drawing attention to the beauty in living things are described as "possessing knowledge":

And humanity and beasts and livestock are likewise of varying colors. Only those of His servants with knowledge have fear of Allah. Allah is Almighty, Ever-Forgiving. (Surah Fatir, 28)

Saturday 11 February 2012

High Quality Public Lecture Videos, Speeches & Debates of Dr. Zakir Naik for Download


Why Don't You Pray?

Why Don't You Pray?

Sadly, many Muslims do not pray or fulfil the conditions of the prayer, despite its importance. The purpose of prayer is to strengthen your relationship with Allah Ta'ala; to be grateful for all His blessings; and to remind yourself of His Greatness. Just as the body requires physical needs, such as food and water, the soul requires spiritual needs, nourished by acts of worship, the most important of which is prayer. It could be that the body of a person is healthy but the person is spiritually dead.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The comparison of one who remembers Allah and one who does not, is like that of the living and the dead.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari]

Allah Ta'ala says,
“O you who believe! Respond to (the call of) Allah and His Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life.”Qur’an 8:24

It's Importance

Direct communication with Allah Ta'ala 

The closest a person is to His Lord is when he is in prostration.” 

Prayer connects you with Allah. The Arabic word for prayer (As-Salah) is actually derived from the Arabic word meaning “connection”. Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “When any one of you stands to pray, he is communicating with his Lord, so let him pay attention to how he speaks to Him.” Don’t sever this relationship with your Creator.

A pillar of Islam 

Prayer is the second most important pillar of Islam, and is the most regular compulsory action in a Muslim’s life. Prayer is an act that must be fulfilled daily, regardless of the circumstance. In fact, Allah did not even exempt the Muslims from praying during battle! He says,
“Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers... If you fear (an enemy), pray on foot, or riding.”Qur’an 2:238-9
Such is the case during war. What then during peace?

Success lies in the Prayer 

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The first of his deeds for which a man will be called to account on the Day of Resurrection will be the prayers. If it is found to be perfect, he will be safe and successful. But if it is defective, he will be unfortunate and a loser.”[At-Tirmidhi]

It's Benefits

Shields against evil 

Without seeking Allah’s help, it is impossible to refrain from evil.

Allah Ta'ala says,
“Verily, prayer restrains (oneself) from shameful and unjust deeds...”Qur’an 29:45
How can sins be committed if you’re willingly standing before Allah Ta'ala 5 times a day?

Enriches your soul 

Prayer satisfies your spiritual need to be in contact with your Creator. This gives your soul peace and contentment, especially with your busy lifestyle.

Allah Ta'ala says,
“Without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.”Qur’an 13:28
Makes you humble 

Pride and arrogance is rid by realising Allah’s greatness and your dependence on Him. In the prayer, the Muslim puts the highest part of his body and source of intellect, his head, on to the ground and says, “How perfect is my Lord, The Most High.”

He says,
“Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers.”Qur’an 23:1-2
Of course, this can only be achieved when you understand what is recited and concentrate with humility.

Washes away sins 

Everyone commits sins, however, Allah has provided, through prayer, a way to wipe out those sins.

Allah says,
“And perform prayer… surely the good deeds remove the evils deeds.”Qur’an 11:114
The Messenger gave a beautiful example when he said to his companions, “Consider if one of you had a river by his door in which he bathed five times a day. Would any filth remain on him?” They said, “No.” Then theProphet replied, “Likewise, Allah wipes away sins with the five daily prayers.”[Saheeh al-Bukharee] 

Solves your problems 

If you strengthen your relationship with Allah, Allah will strengthen your relationship with the rest of the creation.Through prayer, He, who is All-Powerful, will rectify all your problems.

Allah says,
“Seek help in patience and prayer.”Qur’an 2:153
Unites the Muslims 

Congregational prayer cultivates brotherhood, equality and humility between Muslims. The worshippers stand in rows and as one body, shoulder to shoulder, without any distinction of race, nationality, colour, wealth, family or status. This act of unity helps demolish all barriers which stand between people.

Abandoning Prayer

“O Mankind, What has deceived you concerning your Lord, the Most Generous?” Qur’an 82:6
You are disobeying your Creator 

The whole purpose of your existence is to worship Allah Ta'ala, yet daily, you are disobeying your Creator.
“Then, there has succeeded them a generation who have given up prayer and have followed their desires. So they will be thrown in Hell. Except those who repent and believe, and work righteousness.”Qur’an 19:59-60
“(The people in Hell will be asked:) What has caused you to enter Hell? They will say: We were not of those who used to pray…”Qur’an 74:42-43
You are being ungrateful 

Refusing your Creator’s invitation to establish this close relationship with Him is the ultimate ingratitude. 

Allah Ta'ala created you and gave you everything.
“It is He who has created you and endowed you with hearing and seeing and hearts, little are you grateful.”Qur’an 67:23
The Prophet’s feet would swell because he would stand in prayer for lengthy periods. When asked about this, he replied, “Should I not be a grateful servant of my Lord?”

You are being lazy 

What excuse will you give your Creator, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, on Judgement Day? The One Who blessed you with 24 hours in a day, yet only asked that you spend merely 30 minutes for prayer!

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The son of Adam will not be dismissed from before his Lord on the Day of Resurrection until he has been questioned with five things: his life and how he spent it, his youth and how he used it, his wealth and how he earned it and how he disposed of it, and how he acted upon what he acquired of knowledge.”(al-Tirmidhi)

You will be miserable 

Allah says,
“And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed for him is a life of hardship. And We will raise him on the Day of Resurrection, blind. He will say, “My Lord, why have you raised me blind while I was (once) seeing?” (Allah) will say, “Thus did Our signs come to you, and you forgot (disregarded) them; and thus will you, this Day, be forgotten.” Qur’an 20:124-6
You are only harming yourself 

Allah doesn’t need your prayer or anything from anyone - Glory be to Him! It is you that stands in need of His Mercy.
“Give thanks to Allah, and whoever gives thanks, it is only for his own soul’s good, and whoever is ungrateful, surely Allah is Free of all needs, Worthy of all praise.”Qur’an 31:12
You are flirting with disbelief 

Many Scholars of Islam hold the opinion that if you do not pray, you are a disbeliever, quoting the following hadith:

The covenant which distinguishes between us and them (i.e., between believers and disbelievers) is the prayer, and whoever neglects it has disbelieved.” [Ahmad, Tirmidhee, Nasaa'ee]

Additionally, the Prophet’s companions (may Allah be pleased with them) did not consider the abandonment of any act as disbelief, except for prayer.

Common Excuses

No time (work, study, busy, etc): Pure and simple deception. You haven’t given prayers priority. Allah Ta'ala will bless your time and make you more effective, efficient and successful.

My heart is clean: Allah judges who has clean hearts, and He wants you to pray! Actions will reflect what is in your heart. No one has a cleaner heart than Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who used to pray regularly.

My alarm: It’s hard for your alarm to go off, if you don’t SET it!!! Purify your intention and sleep according to the Sunnah.

My family/spouse/parents/friends prevent me: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “There is no obedience to anyone in disobedience to Allah. . You will be judged alone.

I’m sinning too much: In time, your prayers will prevent you from committing these sins - just pray! You are sinning because you are not praying.

Contemplate over this hadith, “If they knew the merits of the ‘Isha and Fajr prayers, they would come to them (in the mosque) even if they had to crawl.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

What excuse for abandoning prayer do you honestly have when you face your Lord on that difficult Day?